
Verduras con pollo

Chicken chop-suey


6,95 €

Pollo con piña

Chicken with pineapple


6,95 €

Pollo al limón

Chicken with lemon


6,95 €

Pollo con almendras

Chicken with almonds


6,95 €

Pollo con curry

Chicken with curry sauce


6,95 €

Pollo agridulce

Sweet and wour chicken


6,95 €

Alitas de pollo fritas

Fried chicken wings


6,95 €

Pollo con bambú y setas chinas

Chicken with bamboo and chinese mushrooms


7,95 €

Pollo con salsa de Sze-chuan

Chicken with Sze-chuan sauce


6,95 €

Pollo con champiñones y ajetes

Chicken with mushrooms and young garlic


6,95 €

Pollo frito troceado con patatas fritas

Pieces of fried chicken with french fries


6,95 €

Pollo teriyaki

Chicken teriyaki


8,75 €


Pato a la naranja

Durk with orange


12,95 €

Pato con piña

Duck with pineapple


12,95 €

Pato con bambú y setas chinas

Duck with bamboo and chinese mushrooms


13,50 €

Pato con cinco aromas estilo chino

Duck with five parfums in chinese style


12,95 €

Pato asado estilo Pekín

Peking roasted duck


13,95 €